9 research outputs found

    Pembangunan Aplikasi Pemandu Wisata di Bali Menggunakan Google Maps Api Berbasis Web

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    Pembangunan tourism guide berbasis web adalah salah satu upaya yang sangat baik untuk menyediakan informasi serta navigasi bagi para wisatawan dengan lebih mudah dan efisien. Banyak keluhan muncul ketika membludaknya jumlah wisatawan khususnya pada akhir tahun membuat mereka mengalami kebingungan dalam mencari informasi yang berupa hotel,restoran, daerah wisata, gallery, artshop,maupun informasi travel yang diinginkan,dll. Ini menunjukkan perlunya ide untuk mengatasi masalah seperti ini agar para wisatwan merasa nyaman dan mudah saat mereka menghabiskan waktu di pulau Bali. Peta sebagai petunjuk lokasi dan arah yang dimiliki oleh google akan dipadukan dengan aplikasi web pariwasata ini untuk perpaduan informasi lokasi dan informasi tempat pariwasata yang ada. Pada aplikasi yang bernama BaliGuidance ini menggabungkan antara teknologi web dan location based service (API Google) yang nantinya disatukan maka akan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi yang berguna untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diinginkan pengguna

    Pendampingan Pengelolaan Stok Barang dan Web Profile Pada PT. Dwi Singatama Putra

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    PT. Dwi Singatama Putra is a company engaged in the mechanical, electrical and engineering sector, which is located in the village of Sambangan, Buleleng Regency, Bali Province. This company was founded in 2020 which is a change from UD. Triple Engineering and CV. Triple Teknik, which was previously established in 2014. This company has problems, namely: the process of recording goods in warehouses related to certain projects is still not properly recorded and even only based on goods purchase notes so that both consumables and business property are not known. exact amount. In addition, marketing is still carried out door to door to customers so that market coverage is still limited. Considering the problem, the solution that is agreed upon and offered to partners is to provide a web-based stock/warehouse system and a web application that contains information on partner profiles. In addition, partners are also given Instagram social media accounts to help market the services offered. The activities that have been carried out are training and introduction to the use of social media marketing through Instagram, managing company profiles through the website, and using the stock system. Evaluation is carried out by means of direct interviews with partners. The results of the evaluation show that service activities can provide benefits for partners

    Voting Scheme Nearest Neighbors by Difference Distance Metrics Measurement

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    K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) is a widely used method for both classification and regression cases. This algorithm, known for its simplicity and effectiveness, relies primarily on the Euclidean formula for distance metrics. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a voting model where observations were made using different distance calculation formulas. The nearest neighbors algorithm was divided based on differences in distance measurements, with each resulting model contributing a vote to determine the final class. Consequently, three methods were proposed, namely k-nearest neighbors (KNN), Local Mean-based KNN, and Distance-Weighted neighbor (DWKNN), with an inclusion of a voting scheme. The robustness of these models was tested using umbilical cord data characterized by imbalance and small dataset size. The results showed that the proposed voting model for nearest neighbors consistently improved performance by an average of 1-2% across accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score when compared to the conventional non-voting method

    IRS-BAG-Integrated Radius-SMOTE Algorithm with Bagging Ensemble Learning Model for Imbalanced Data Set Classification

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    Imbalanced learning problems are a challenge faced by classifiers when data samples have an unbalanced distribution among classes. The Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) is one of the most well-known data pre-processing methods. Problems that arise when oversampling with SMOTE are the phenomenon of noise, small disjunct samples, and overfitting due to a high imbalance ratio in a dataset. A high level of imbalance ratio and low variance conditions cause the results of synthetic data generation to be collected in narrow areas and conflicting regions among classes and make them susceptible to overfitting during the learning process by machine learning methods. Therefore, this research proposes a combination between Radius-SMOTE and Bagging Algorithm called the IRS-BAG Model. For each sub-sample generated by bootstrapping, oversampling was done using Radius SMOTE. Oversampling on the sub-sample was likely to overcome overfitting problems that might occur. Experiments were carried out by comparing the performance of the IRS-BAG model with various previous oversampling methods using the imbalanced public dataset. The experiment results using three different classifiers proved that all classifiers had gained a notable improvement when combined with the proposed IRS-BAG model compared with the previous state-of-the-art oversampling methods. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-05-04 Full Text: PD

    Modified of Single Deepest Vertical Detection (SDVD) Algorithm for Amniotic Fluid Volume Classification

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    Amniotic fluid a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of the fetus during pregnancy and is contained within the amnion cavity, which is surrounded by a membrane. Several studies have shown that volume of amniotic fluid can vary throughout pregnancy and is closely linked to the health and safety of the fetus. This indicates that it is essential to perform accurate measurement and identification of its volume. Obstetric specialist often use a manual method to identify amniotic fluid by visually determining the longest straight vertical line between the upper and lower boundaries. Therefore, this study aims to develop detection model, known as modified Single Deepest Vertical Detection (SDVD) algorithm to automatically measure the longest vertical line by following medical rules and regulations. SDVD algorithm was designed to measure the depth of amniotic fluid vertically by searching the column of pixels that comprised the image sample, excluding any intersection with the fetal body. Performance testing was carried out using 130 images by comparing the manual measurement results obtained by obstetric specialists and the proposed model. Based on the experimental results using modified SDVD, the average accuracy, precision, and recall achieved for amniotic fluid classification were 92.63%, 85.23%, and 95.6%, respectively


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    Teknologi komunikasi dan teknologi jaringan komputer saat ini berkembang sangat pesat dan telah banyak menciptakan berbagai aplikasi, salah satunya adalah VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protokol). Sebelum adanya VoIP, komunikasi suara yang dilakukan suatu perusahaan menggunakan jaringan telepon PSTN. Hal tersebut membuat pemborosan biaya operasional dalam perusahaan. VoIP menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Sistem telepon VoIP bisa digunakan untuk melakukan panggilan dan menerima panggilan dari jaringan PSTN atau GSM. VoIP menggunakan Interactive Voice Response (IVR) agar pelanggan bisa berinteraksi dengan sistem host perusahaan melalui tombol telepon atau dengan pengenalan suara (call center system), setelah itu mereka dapat melayani pertanyaan mereka sendiri dengan mengikuti dialog IVR. Membangun server VoIP diperlukan sebuah sistem operasi yang stabil dan handal, salah satu sistem operasi yang cukup handal dan stabil adalah Elastix. Selain komunikasi yang murah perusahaan juga membutuhkan link backup untuk jalur komunikasi antar cabang, agar tidak ada kegagalan dalam melakukan komunikasi. Jalur backup yang akan dibangun dengan menggunakan routing Open Shortest Patch First (OSPF). Routing OSPF menggunakan jalur terpendek untuk mencapai router tujuan


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    Teknologi komunikasi dan teknologi jaringan komputer saat ini berkembang sangat pesat dan telah banyak menciptakan berbagai aplikasi, salah satunya adalah VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protokol). Sebelum adanya VoIP, komunikasi suara yang dilakukan suatu perusahaan menggunakan jaringan telepon PSTN. Hal tersebut membuat pemborosan biaya operasional dalam perusahaan. VoIP menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Sistem telepon VoIP bisa digunakan untuk melakukan panggilan dan menerima panggilan dari jaringan PSTN atau GSM. VoIP menggunakan Interactive Voice Response (IVR) agar pelanggan bisa berinteraksi dengan sistem host perusahaan melalui tombol telepon atau dengan pengenalan suara (call center system), setelah itu mereka dapat melayani pertanyaan mereka sendiri dengan mengikuti dialog IVR. Membangun server VoIP diperlukan sebuah sistem operasi yang stabil dan handal, salah satu sistem operasi yang cukup handal dan stabil adalah Elastix. Selain komunikasi yang murah perusahaan juga membutuhkan link backup untuk jalur komunikasi antar cabang, agar tidak ada kegagalan dalam melakukan komunikasi. Jalur backup yang akan dibangun dengan menggunakan routing Open Shortest Patch First (OSPF). Routing OSPF menggunakan jalur terpendek untuk mencapai router tujuan

    Follicle Detection Model on Ovarian Ultrasound Image

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    Every woman has two ovaries. Ovaries have several follicles, which consist of oocytes or eggs which are filled with granulosa cells. Some women can have a difference in the number of follicles in each ovary. There are cases of several follicles that are coincided, making it difficult to calculate the number of follicles. In this study, the separation of adjoining follicles and automatic follicle counting was carried out from the results of ovarian ultrasound image segmentation. The segmentation results obtained feature information in the form of follicular feature extraction as many as eight features. The techniques used in this work for feature selection was carried out using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to reduce the feature. In this study, the PCA and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier produced higher accuracy than the classification without PCA. The experimental results also show that the proposed method produced higher classification accuracy than previous work, which yielded 90.39% accuracy, 90.27 % sensitivity, and 90.43 % specificity

    The Optimization of the ARP Poisoning Attack Detection Model Using a Similar Approach Based on NetFlow Analysis

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    Information security and threats are a concern in the cyber era. Attacks can be malicious activities. One of them is known as ARP poisoning attack activity, which attacks by falsifying a computer's identity through illegal access to retrieve confidential information in a target computer. Besides, it has also caused service deadlocks in the network. Previous studies have been introduced for the ARP Attack Detection model using rule-based and mining-based. Still, they cannot show optimal detection performance and obtain high false positive results. This paper proposed a detection model for ARP poisoning attacks using a similarity measurement approach adopting cosine similarity. The goal is to obtain measurements of host activities similar to ARP poisoning attacks. The experiment results showed that the model got an accuracy of 97.25%, recall of 96.43%, and precision of 81% with a similarity threshold value of 0.488. Comparison results with previous studies showed higher detection accuracy than previous studies and some classification methods. It shows that the model can improve intrusion detection performance and facilitate network administrators to analyze ARP poisoning attacks in computer networks